Here's Hoping: Conversations with Kathrin

Pat & Ken Parker: The Impact of the Present on Relationships - Us All

Kathrin Gabriel-Jones

We can really only know what we’ve experienced.

But what happens when we meet someone who’s experienced something completely different?

While I shared a cup with Pat and Ken Parker, we gathered around this warm nugget of golden thought, discovered something wonderful, and stumbled upon a question. 

Here’s Hoping.

 Some links to share

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 If you’re interested in having a conversation with Kathrin, send an email here. You can also check out the websites for Here’s Hoping: Conversations with Kathrinand Gabriel-Jones Coaching.

 Special thanks to Tysorex for the original artwork. Additional graphics made with Canva.

 Family not only need to consist of merely those whom we shared blood but, also those whom we’d give blood. Attributed to Charles Dickens, Goodreads source here.

 Trauma is a topographical map that is written on a child and it takes a lifetime to read. Russian Doll, streaming on Netflix: Ruth Brenner, played by Elizabeth Ashley. IMDB source here.

 You are where you are as a result of decisions you’ve made. – Ancillary Justice, by Anne Leckie: Breq, Goodreads source here.